Year Paper - Word order in different styles - ID:01236(V) - Volum 29 pagini

Categoria : Limbi Straine 
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Chapter I: The Word Order in English Sentences

1.1. Definition of word order units
1.2. Word order patterns in typical English sentences
1.3. The role of word order in English

Chapter II: Stylistically 'Marked' Word Order Techniques
2.1. Fronting
2.2. Inversion
2.3. Cleft sentences

Chapter III: Structural syntactical stylistic devices
3.1. The role of word order stylistic devices
3.2. Detached construction
3.3. Parallel construction
3.4 Chiasmus
3.5. Hyperbaton
3.6. Anastrophe
3.7. Hysteron-proteron
3.8. Hypallage
3.9. Tsmesis
3.10. Catachresis

